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EL PASO, Texas

The Opportunity Center exists for all homeless without distinction of race, ethnic origin, language spoken, or, religious beliefs, and regardless of mental, drug and alcohol problems. Through direct contact with the homeless, the Center supports them to move beyond their condition if they are capable; or protects them if they cannot improve their condition in society because of emotional or psychological disorders.

The Opportunity Center for the Homeless (OC) consists of two homeless shelters, one for single adult men and one for single adult women, and seven residential centers for the elderly, single women (2), mentally ill, veterans, and men and women in school/work programs.

Homeless persons coming to the OC receive services by walk-in or referral 24 hours/day, 365 days/year. We receive the least among the homeless including addicted, elderly, mentally ill, and immigrant; police even ... Más información

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