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St. Petersburg, Florida

Catholic Charities serves with charity and compassion to promote the sanctity and dignity of all people with God. As a member of the Church, Catholic Charities offers hope by helping those in need and unites with others in service. Catholic Charities makes a Commitment to Serve all people with Respect, Compassion and Cooperation in the spirit of a unifying God.

Since 1945, driven by the Gospel mandate to serve those most in need among us, Catholic Charities has performed Christ’s corporal works of mercy by providing social services aimed at supporting and preserving families and promoting self-sufficiency and social justice. As an accredited Agency, Catholic Charities is a non-profit leader in serving the poor and vulnerable within Pinellas, Hillsborough, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. Under the auspices of the Diocese of St. Petersburg ... Más información

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