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DURHAM, North Carolina

Healing with CAARE Inc., is a non-profit community based organization that provides linkages to health care and food services for the community without charge. CAARE provides housing services for veterans and other homeless single individuals. CAARE is an "Oasis of Care" where qualified individuals may seek medical, mental health, chronic disease management, job training and referral to community resources. The Agency operates a free clinic that eliminates barriers to health care. The clinic includes medial and dental services in collaboration with a local University and private practitioners. The CAARE center serves diverse populations but addresses the needs of the most at risk population. This model of care is unique in its ability to reach the targeted populations and to serve them with significantly improved outcomes. CAARE participates locally, statewide and nationally to end health disparities. CAARE has been recognized by all entities for the excellent provision of services to the community.

Healing with CAARE Inc. (CAARE Inc.) is a non -profit community based organization that provides Interdisciplinary and Integrated services to the community without charge. The Agency addresses the basic health care needs through the model of prevention, screening and treatment for the five major health disparities identified by Duke University through geospatial mapping of prevalent disease. The identified health disparities include cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and ... Más información

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