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No. Chesterfield, Virginia

The Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Paralyzed Veterans of America was founded by a band of service members who came home from World War II with a spinal cord injury. They returned to a grateful nation but also to a world with few solutions to the challenges they faced. They made a decision not just to live but to live with dignity as contributors to society. They created Paralyzed Veterans of America, an organization dedicated to veterans' service, medical research, and civil rights for people with disabilities. Located in Chesterfield County, Virginia, the Paralyzed Veterans of America, Mid-Atlantic Chapter was officially formed in 1947 and is one of the six original co-founding chapters of the organization. With nearly a thousand member, the work continues today to create an America where all veterans and people with disabilities, and their families, have everything they need to live full, productive lives.

Enabling veterans with spinal cord injury and disease to live beyond their injury. Our members can confidently face tasks in front of them with out fear, and with strong encouragement and support from their fellow veterans, our team, and our dedicated volunteers and partners.

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