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Casa Grande, Arizona

Concerned citizens of Pinal County are creating a circle "to take care of our own," by providing services to our homeless Veterans, military Veterans, and their families. Helping to improve their way of life not only ensures their success but it concretes Pinal County's great future and history.

HOHP assists Veterans and their families - with the biggest focus on homeless and at-risk Veterans. Our organization is a "hand-up" to Veterans who need to get connected to services or are in need of emergency services. We assist with food boxes, hygiene, emergency housing, clothing, emergency services, etc. Our organization also provides group sessions for Veterans who suffer from PTSD/TBS as well as Veterans seeking AA group just for Veterans. The HOHP Pinal County Veterans Transition Center will open soon and we will be able to house and assist Veterans in transition - with services that provide wrap-around help!

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