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San Diego, California

Shelter to Soldier is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that adopts dogs from local shelters and rescue groups and trains them to be psychiatric service dogs for post-9/11 veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress (PTS), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and/or Military Sexual Trauma (MST), along with other injuries associated with service experiences.

“Saving Lives, Two At A Time,” Shelter to Soldier helps adopt dogs from rescue organizations and shelters and helps alleviate the burden of trauma for veterans suffering from the perils of mental injury associated with traumatic service experiences. Shelter to Soldier was founded in October 2012.

Every day, 3200 dogs are euthanized across our nation. We rescue dogs that may otherwise be overlooked, providing them a future with a purpose and a life that is fulfilled by their bond ... Más información

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