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BELLEVUE, Washington

The mission of Courthouse Dogs Foundation is to promote justice with compassion through the use of professionally trained facility dogs to provide emotional support to everyone in the justice system. Most of these dogs are utilized to support children who have been victims of abuse, helping them feel safe enough to talk with a detective or testify in court. A courthouse facility dog is a professionally trained dog that is placed with a legal professional for the purpose of providing emotional support to individuals in the criminal justice system. Handlers of courthouse dogs may be prosecuting attorneys, law enforcement officers, forensic interviewers, or victim advocates. The dog usually works at a child advocacy center or at a courthouse. In these settings, a courthouse dog may work with victims, witnesses, and other individuals who have been affected by crime.

As an independent nonprofit organization, Courthouse Dogs Foundation promotes justice with compassion by advocating for the use of professionally trained facility dogs handled by criminal justice professionals to provide emotional comfort to everyone in the legal system.
We accomplish this mission by:

• Educating members of the public and legal professionals about the benefits of having a courthouse facility dog assist them in their work

• Guiding governmental agencies ... Más información

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