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Sharing Connections

Downers Grove, Illinois

Our Mission at Sharing Connections is to "Share good things with good people", with a vision that "Tonight everyone eats at a table and sleeps in a bed." Our truck goes out two days a week to pick up gently used furniture and household items which our brought to the intake side of our warehouse where they are cleaned and treated and then placed on the client side ("showroom"). Our guests come to us from over 200 agencies that we work with who have properly vetted their clients to ensure need. We have hundreds of volunteers who work to make sure that our guests are treated with dignity and receive everything they need to have the best chance of creating a home environment for them and their family.

Sharing Connections began in 1986 when one woman saw a need and believed she was called to respond. That need at the time was a woman who did not have a crib for her baby. Leeanne got a crib - and then another - and then baby items and household items util her entire house was a donating and pickup site for families with things they didn't need, giving to families who did have need. In the years since, and due to the generosity of thousands, Sharing Connections has moved to a 10,000 SQ ... Más información

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