Our Take on the Semi-Colon Project, the VCD presents an annual social media campaign including messages of hope, anti-suicide hotlines, and various local organizations that help with depression and mental health.
Donations earmarked for the Semi-Fang project will go to the Hear My Cry Foundation, a BIPOC-lead, anti-suicide local 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides counseling and may cover funeral costs of those who have died by suicide.
Oferta de donación equiparada
Cómo funcionan las donaciones
Haga clic en cualquier botón de "Donar ahora" y, luego, decida su importe de donación. Será dirigido al procesador de pagos que elija. Una vez que su donación se haya procesado, se enviará a la entidad benéfica de su elección.
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