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ORANGE, California

The mission of the Community Foundation of Orange is to preserve and enhance our sense of community. We fulfill our mission by raising funds to make grants supporting local community needs; encouraging individuals, families and businesses to partner with us to fulfill their financial and charitable goals in the community, assembling a diverse group of people to work on community problems and convening coalitions of groups who can help fulfill our mission, and by honoring groups and individuals for improving our community.We are building a solid foundation based on a long tradition of helping bring about thoughtful, effective change. Social interaction and acceptance are critical to a healthy person and to the community as a whole. We have a passion for improving the lives of others by sharing the gifts and talents we each possess. We are dedicated to establishing initiatives and programs that support families, build community, encourage higher education, and promote healthy lifestyles for at-risk youth.

Your community. Your Foundation.
The Community Foundation of Orange is making the greater Orange community a vital and healthy place to live. With deep ties to the local community, we are helping to bring about thoughtful, effective change. We have a passion for improving the lives of others by sharing the gifts and talents we each possess. Through leveraged partnerships with our donors, we have been able to unlock opportunities for youth, families and since 2015, Veterans and ... Más información

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