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Vacaville, California

* To provide a unique venue where kids of all ages, adults, families of military veterans and law enforcement, can come together and have a therapeutic experience with our rescued animals * To educate the public about the humane and ethical care of animals with the goal of teaching respect and compassion for ALL living things

The Lucky Ones Ranch is a non-profit animal sanctuary in Vacaville, California. The Ranch was co-founded by Thao & Vince, a husband / wife duo, along with their awesome team of volunteers.

The Lucky Ones Ranch provides a forever home to animals who have been neglected, abused and/or were no longer wanted. The Ranch is home to 7 horses, 2 donkeys, 1 mule, 2 llamas, 2 goats, 3 sheep, 23 pot bellied pigs, 18 dogs, 5 cats, 4 rabbits, 2 tortoises and many feathered ... Más información

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