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Genesis Joy House Pavement Project


Genesis Joy House Homeless Shelter, Inc., is making history by being the first transitional housing facility to house our homeless female veterans in Middle Georgia.

Our Mission
To improve quality of life for unhoused female veterans with many proven programs that break the cycle, creating self-sufficiency and accountability.

Genesis is in need of completing the driveway pavement that is in terrible shape. We ran out of funds during renovations and this is the last thing that we need completed for parking,

Our Vision
To advocate on behalf of individuals to assist in establishing security; obtain employment; gain access to education; secure resources, and maintain physical and emotional health with a goal of helping them move towards self-sufficiency and productive members of society.

The Genesis Joy House Transitional Complex will be an independent business model created to assist the needs of our homeless female veterans throughout Middle Georgia and surrounding areas.

The goal of Genesis Joy House is to end chronic homelessness among female veterans in our communities. Achieving that goal is complex, requiring more than putting a roof over the veterans' heads. It requires a holistic approach that addresses the "total veteran" and her needs. Genesis housing will come with a full range of support services including meals, an employment and training program, medical advice, and special services related to PTSD, overcoming military sexual trauma, and other challenges faced by veterans. Intensive case management and counseling are provided to help veterans regain control of their lives.

Genesis Joy House provides effective leadership on behalf of women with challenging backgrounds. Strategic programming within our organization will include leveraging existing resources with like- minded businesses and organizations throughout the Georgia sector.

Statistics on Veteran Homelessness

The Veterans Administration (VA) defines homelessness as a situation whereby a soldier has served in a war zone, now returned home and now has no place of his/her own to live. Veterans live on the streets, in abandoned buildings, in vehicles, encampments, shelters, transitional housing, and it gets worse in rural areas. Nine percent of homeless female veterans are between the ages of 18 and 30, and 41% are between the ages of 31 and 50. Some VA doctors say the emotional trauma suffered in war zones are both a cause and a consequence to homelessness. Some veterans experience a type of culture shock upon returning home. Invisible wounds of war are sometimes easier for veterans to cope with as outcast to the society they serve.

Hard Facts on Homeless Female Veterans

Women veterans are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population in the U.S. One out of every 10 homeless veterans, under the age of 45, is now a woman. The risk of women veterans becoming homeless is 4X greater than a male veteran. One in 5 women told their VA healthcare provider that they experienced military sexual trauma (MST) while deployed. Forty-five percent of homeless female veterans suffer from mental illness including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Seventy percent of homeless female veterans suffer from alcohol/substance abuse. Homeless female veterans with little or no financial security for childcare can end up losing their children to protective services.

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