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Manassas, Virginia

Heroes Athletic Association (HAA) supports the integration of Service Members, Veterans, Law Enforcement Professionals, Firefighters and their families into local communities through adult recreational sports leagues and events. As Heroes leave their base, post, firehouse or precinct, the accountability of a team conveys the feeling of being wanted and needed. Building new relationships in a familiar environment reduces the anxiety associated with major life change and serves an effective counter to suicide or risky behavior in the Hero community. HAA believes we can help Heroes easily find the comforting inclusivity provided by a local sports club in a new community, deterring them from making rash or anxious decisions as they transcend to life’s next chapter.

Heroes Athletic Association supports community-based adult sports groups, teams, clubs and events. Our goal is to get the hero into the community through sports. The adult sport organizations we support must have a significant percentage of Heroes on the team. Hero is defined as a military member, Veteran, law enforcement professional, firefighter or their adult family members.

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