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Brownsville Partnership

de Community Solutions International, Inc

The Brownsville Partnership is a network of organizations and residents working together to build on existing assets to create solutions to Brownsville’s most pressing challenges. Community Solutions coordinates the BP, which draws on the participation of more than 25 different local groups in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Brownsville, as well as the robust engagement of local community members.

Brownsville is one of a handful of New York City neighborhoods where the major indicators of poverty are concentrated. With our partners, we are concentrating existing resources and support networks around this particularly hard-hit group of residents, and strengthening ties between Brownsville and the rest of the City to expand opportunities for all residents.

Between 2014 and 2017, the BP will connect 5,000 residents to jobs, convening a City-wide network of partners to target the economic instability at the root of Brownsville’s housing, health and public safety challenges.

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