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GallantFew’s mission is to prevent veteran isolation by connecting new veterans with hometown veteran mentors, thereby facilitating a peaceful, successful transition from military service to a civilian life filled with hope and purpose. We do this by creating and supporting a nationwide network of successfully transitioned veterans that engage locally with new veterans with the same military background now going through transition and by motivating communities all over the nation to take responsibility for veterans returning; welcoming, connecting, and including. We believe this will prevent veteran unemployment, homelessness and suicide.

Founded in 2010, GallantFew focuses on relationships. The veteran who isolates is a veteran at increased risk for depression and suicidal ideation.

The entry to GallantFew is a survey ( to establish where the veteran is in five functional fitness areas: Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, Social and Professional. The foundation is a coaching system called Functional Emotional Fitness. FEF helps veterans and their family members take control of their subconscious processes, moving towards their objectives.

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