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Bob Feldman Fund


The Bob Feldman Fund provides support to children with disabilities and their families in rural Quang Nam Province, Viet Nam. The support they receive varies depending on each families needs but is can be in the form of medical care, income generation, housing repairs, scholarships and/or adaptive equipment. Each family typically receives about $800 in support which is the average families annual income.

The Bob Feldman Fund was established in 2006 by Bob and Nancy Feldman when Bob was fighting a battle against Lymphoma. Bob served in the US military at the Bien Hoa Airbase where he was exposed to Agent Orange/Dioxin.

The Feldmans wanted to reach out to help those in Vietnam who were also suffering from the impacts of Agent Orange so they began by donating Bob’s VA benefits to WLP.

Since Bob’s death in 2006, Bob’s family and friends as well as many who never knew Bob have continued to support the Fund. As a result the Feldman Fund has helped over 500 families in Vietnam with livelihood support, construction of new homes, medical care, vocational education and scholarships depending on the family's specific needs.

Currently WLP works with the Quang Nam Province Red Cross in central Viet Nam to implement the Feldman Fund. Each year the Fund supports 25 – 40 poor rural families who are caring for severely disabled children.

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