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PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania

The Western PA All Service Academies Ball (Parent groups of the five U.S. Academies) assembles every year to Honor our past Veterans, Support or current active and retired military and their families and recognize our Cadets and Midshipmen preparing for military service and leadership.

The Ball fund raises for charities that support the half a million active and retired military personnel, and their families , in Western Pennsylvania. We represent all the branches of the armed services and believe that we need to support those who have volunteered to protect and serve our Country.

Cómo funcionan las donaciones
Haga clic en cualquier botón de "Donar ahora" y, luego, decida su importe de donación. Será dirigido al procesador de pagos que elija. Una vez que su donación se haya procesado, se enviará a la entidad benéfica de su elección.

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