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MANCHESTER, Connecticut

Our Mission... The Manchester Historical Society educates the public about the history of Manchester, Connecticut; collects, preserves, interprets, and exhibits information and artifacts about the town and its diverse population, and advocates for the preservation of significant historic resources. Our Vision... The Manchester Historical Society will be the premier resource for information about the history and heritage of Manchester, Connecticut that includes the Native American culture and the growth of the agricultural, industrial and suburban communities of the Northeast. It will attract visitors of all ages from around the country to its exhibitions and programs. Its efforts will reflect the diversity of the community and will remain connected to the community.

The Historical Society... Our beginnings
In 1965, a small group of concerned residents incorporated the Manchester Historical Society. Their original purpose was to save the historic Timothy Cheney house on East Center Street from destruction. They dedicated themselves to implementing the resolutions of incorporation: to preserve "irreplaceable historic Manchester landmarks and act as a watchdog group" to save valued antiquities.

We continue to advocate for ... Más información

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