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Greater Washington County Food

Brownsville, Pennsylvania

The mission of the Greater Washington County Food Bank is to : 1) Address food insecurity within our community by identifying those in need and providing support through the distribution of groceries and nutritional education. 2) Increase public awareness of food insecurity in our community and offer viable ideas for addressing it; and 3) Educate our clients and others in our community on long-term life strategies to combat food insecurity and the impacts it creates. Greater Washington County Food Bank's newly established Healthy Habits Training Center and its complementary counterpart, "The Farm" address all three areas identified. Our strategic plan addresses the long-term needs of clients and residents recognizing that simply passing out food to address an immediate need will never eliminate hunger. Individuals who have cultivated marketable skill-sets can look forward to a life-time unencumbered by hunger. This program answers the call for food, but it also confronts the dangers of dependency.

Greater Washington County Food Bank has been providing food to needy families in Washington County for over 34 years. In 2015, we were able to purchase a 26,000 square foot facility that now serves as our distribution warehouse.

This venue has almost tripled the square footage from our previous location and has allowed us to add several exciting new programs. We were quickly able to acquire funding to build a 1,200 square foot Healthy Habits Training Center with two residential ... Más información

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