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Phoenix, Arizona

AGUILA’s mission is to empower and prepare youth for college admissions and graduation through a unique approach based upon a greater cultural understanding as a guide to personal, academic and professional excellence as future leaders. Since its creation in 2004 students have enrolled in over 85 colleges/universities across the country and have collectively been awarded more than $75 million dollars in college scholarships beyond federal packages. Students in grade 9-12 accepted into the program through an application process participate in a comprehensive program based upon a research based, holistic curriculum. AGUILA’s unique year-round program has been recognized locally, nationally, and internationally as a best practice in college preparation and most recently as a 2015 White House Bright Spot.

AGUILA Youth Leadership Institute (AGUILA) is a non-profit organization providing a unique college access program for a growing number of students throughout the State of Arizona from Latino and culturally diverse backgrounds with a vision of creating a better world. This vision referred to as The AGUILA Way is a philosophy adopted by each student, their families, staff and volunteers who share core values with the goal of creating active and caring communities.

AGUILA is ... Más información

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