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MIAMI, Florida

The Young Marine program is a non-for-profit all volunteer, youth program. It targets youngsters, boys and girls, between the ages of 8-18. Our Program stresses discipline, leadership, Americanism, citizenship, honesty, integrity, physical fitness and a drug free lifestyle, and community service, etc.

The Young Marine program is a non-for-profit all volunteer, youth program. It targets youngsters, boys and girls, between the ages of 8-18. Our Program stresses discipline, leadership, Americanism, citizenship, honesty, integrity, physical fitness and a drug free lifestyle, and community service, etc.

Besides bi-weekly meetings on the above subjects, we have weekend and week long encampments. We provide color guard details during our patriotic holidays. We have extended our program to providing disaster relief, providing goods and services to our veteran community, and the homeless.

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