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Veterans Northeast Outreach Center, Inc.

Haverhill, Massachusetts

VNEOC is a registered 501(3)(c) community based, Veteran focused, non-profit based in Haverhill, MA. We provide a full continuum of care to Veterans and their families in Essex, Middlesex, and Barnstable Counties in MA, and Rockingham and Hillsborough Counties in NH. But we will talk with and try to help any Veteran regardless of location.

Veterans Northeast Outreach Center, Inc. (VNEOC) was established in Lawrence, MA in 1985 as a storefront operation, staffed largely by volunteers, to provide support and advocacy to Vietnam Veterans.

Today, VNEOC provides a full continuum of care to Veterans and their families. Our services include, but are not limited to: basic food and shelter, food pantry, temporary, emergency, and permanent housing, advocacy, counseling, peer support, case management, and VA benefits & claims assistance.

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