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ORLANDO, Florida

IDignity's mission is to restore dignity and hope by assisting individuals in regaining legal proof of their identity. This mission is achieved through extensive collaboration with government agencies, social service organizations, churches, businesses and other community partners. IDignity compassionately assists the poor and disadvantaged in navigating the inherently complex process of obtaining various forms of legal identification documents, at no cost to our clients. These documents are often required to access education, employment, housing, banking, social services, proper healthcare and numerous additional opportunities

In 2020, IDignity will assist over 2,500 homeless or precariously housed persons in Central Florida to obtain their legal identification. IDignity provides a dignified and effective solution to this daunting problem by hosting monthly service-fair events that bring together the identification-issuing government agencies, attorneys and over 100 volunteers to assist a capacity of 250 clients. At each event, clients start lining up before sunrise, although the doors do not open until 8:30 ... Más información

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