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SUAMICO, Wisconsin

Veterans 1st will help Northeast Wisconsin veterans by providing them with Transitional Housing and supportive services, followed by the opportunity to move into Affordable Housing after completing counseling, job training, and job placement. We will give our area veterans a place to call home with wrap-around services to help them succeed with a purpose and a desire to become self-sufficient.There is currently a 480-unit shortage of affordable housing units for Veterans in Brown County and over 80 veterans have been living in homeless shelters this season. The situation will continue to get worse if we do not provide housing like our Veterans Village.

With your generous contribution Veterans 1st of NEW will be able to purchase the discounted material to build our second Phase which is 7 homes. We currently have enough funds to build our first 6 homes and a Community Center. Phase 3 will be another 7 homes for a total of 21 homes. Four of these homes will be transitional homes where veterans can live out of shelters. We will provide job training and career assistance so they can find meaningful employment. They will be required to save ... Leer más

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