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The MOPH Fund Inc. is the official fundraising arm of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. Our organization brings combat-wounded veterans and patriotic donors together so that we can help promote their recovery as they spilled their blood in the name of our nation’s freedom. Our sole purpose is to raise funds for programs executed by the Military Order of the Purple Heart. Our goal is to help make sure their programs receive robust support so that more Purple Heart recipients and their families can be provided the necessary assistance.

It is the mission of the MOPH Fund is to provide essential assistance to America’s Veterans and their Families by directly supporting the programs and services of the Military Order of the Purple Heart.

We accomplish this by providing funds for programs such as suicide awareness, advanced education scholarships, employment training such as software development, and as well as veteran advocacy just to name a few.

We positively impact the lives of Combat Wounded Veterans ... Leer más

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