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PHOENIX, Arizona

Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS) is the largest shelter for men, women, and children in Arizona serving about 1,000 people each day/night including families, Veterans and seniors. CASS provides emergency shelter and supportive services to permanently end each client's homelessness. Services include: urgent dental care, case management, employment services, and child care services.

Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to ending homelessness in Arizona since 1984. Developed in response to the tent city in central Phoenix, CASS has grown to become the largest shelter serving all of Arizona with 1,000 beds for people experiencing homelessness every night. This is about half of all of the homeless shelter beds in Arizona.

CASS serves single adult men and women and families with children. Additionally, we work ... Leer más

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