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Axios Inspires Foundation Corporation

Raleigh, North Carolina

THE AXIOS INSPIRES FOUNDATION'S MISSION AND VISION" are to support our community and military veterans through our outreach and logistical efforts. It is with the help and support of our donors that we can move forward and achieve our yearly goals. The Axios Inspires Foundation supports; Financial and Business Consulting for Aspiring Veteran Entrepreneurs, Adventure Outdoor Therapy for Veterans and First Responders, Military Memorial Rides, and Suicide Prevention through a Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG) process utilizing our V.E.T.S. (Veteran Entrepreneur Training Seminar) and Business Development Training.

are to support our community and military veterans through our outreach and logistical efforts. It is with the help and support of our donors that we can move forward and achieve our yearly goals. The Axios Inspires Foundation supports; Financial and Business Consulting for Aspiring Veteran Entrepreneurs, Adventure Outdoor Therapy for Veterans and First Responders, Military Memorial Rides, and Suicide Prevention through a ... Leer más

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