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Parachutes for Patriots


Parachutes for Patriots is a 501(c)(3) that was established to show support and gratitude for Veterans of the Armed Forces who have made tremendous sacrifices while protecting our country’s freedom. Parachutes for Patriots is a non for profit organization that hosts Veterans and their families from across the country to DeLand for a weekend of community, camaraderie and adaptive skydiving.
This event is a 2 day event where veterans arrive on Friday and are greeted with a warm welcome at a Meet and Greet with family, hosts, sponsors, volunteers and special guests. They stay in a local hotel and on Saturday morning are shuttled to Skydive Deland, where (if they choose to participate) will enjoy a tandem skydive with video, they will be honored and aplauded by members of our community. Then that same evening we will host our veterans at a community block party in beautiful downtown Deland for an evening of good food, music and camaraderie.

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