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Operation Blessing International Relief & Development Corp.

Virginia Beach, Virginia

Operation Blessing (OB) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, humanitarian organization dedicated to demonstrating God's love by alleviating human need and suffering in the United States and around the world. For more than 40 years, we've provided strategic relief on an ongoing basis through core programs such as disaster relief, hunger relief, health and medical care, and clean water to millions in the United States and around the world.

Operation Blessing aims to alleviate human need and suffering in the United States and around the world through hunger and disaster relief, clean water and medical aid/life changing surgeries. Through compassionate, efficient, and locally focused programs we are able to target the specific needs of those we serve and provide a gateway for our partners to truly help those who are suffering and in need. We put a special emphasis on not only providing physical relief to those in immediate ... Leer más

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