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Riverside, California

We at SNT provide Wellness Outreach that consist of going into the Communities and collaborating with Community in Unity for Better Living and Wellness Outreach (CIU), Founded by John Braxton Jr., where we bring smiles to the children and families that are less fortune, giving them that hooray of hope.

We at SNT, are in the Colton area at the beautiful Veteran's Park, where we bring vendors with resources such as, Mobile Medical Clinic(teeth screening), CET(Center for Employment Training/Automotive, Welding, House Framing, and more), Loma Linda School of Psychology(Face Painting/Reading Books), Behavioral Health(Mental Health), MHS(Mental Health Services(AA, CA meetings, Relapse Prevention groups, Anger management classes, Drug Testing, Super Hero Me for the Kids), Jumpers, Bag Groceries, Hot Meals(Hot Dogs, Cheese Burgers, Nachos, Spaghetti,Salad, Garlic Bread, and more), and raffles( Scooters, Bikes, Baskets, Electric Toothbrush and more). What's beautiful about this Outreach is, EVERYTHING IS FREE.

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