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Kansas City, Kansas

Giving the Basics provides personal hygiene products to local pantries and school districts to allow people to have dignity and thrive. With our products, adults can get clean and gain employment and students can go to school ready to learn without fear of being rejected or bullied because they smell badly.

Giving the Basics was started in 2011 to assure that people can have dignity and thrive. None of our hygiene products are covered by any government assistance programs, so people live in shame and without the ability to get clean and succeed. Soap, shampoo, deodorant, toilet paper, and feminine hygiene and other hygiene products are available through the Giving the Basics program. We are dedicated to making sure students and adults have access to the products we provide so they don't have to live without essential items. We assure veterans, seniors, battered women, children, homeless, students and mentally ill have immediate access to the basics. We are proud to provide our products to 148 local pantries and 406 local schools in the Kansas City Metro area.

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