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Barstow, California

Desert Manna's mission as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization is to eradicate hunger and homelessness in the High Desert California and throughout San Bernardino County. Our vision is communities providing residents safe, affordable places to live and enough healthy food to feed their households adequately. Our mission is also to stimulate economic development in at risk communities by providing job training and life skills for low-moderate income individuals.

Opening in 1988, Desert Manna was the first shelter in San Bernardino County and funded through the Federal McKinney Act. From that day, we have expanded our services to include emergency shelter, but also food, utility assistance, job training, and supportive services to homeless and low-income woman, veterans, seniors, and disabled persons.

With funding from the Federal McKinney Act, Desert Manna opened in 1988 as the first emergency shelter in San Bernardino. Since opening as ... Leer más

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