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BELZONI, Mississippi

The mission is to protect African American Heritage and pass the legacy of that rich heritage to present and future generations. The goal is to provide a culture center in Belzoni, Mississippi dedicated to the struggles and accomplishments of African American Citizens of the Humphreys County Community to include Belzoni, Deovelente, Isola, Louise, Midnight, and Silver City.

The Deovelente Heritage Preservation Society was organized February 17, 2008 and is incorporated as a 501 c (3) organization The organization felt the need to do outreach service in the Humphreys County Community and with the help from the Superintended of Education and other community members, we were able to secure an old vacant building on the elementary school campus to open a museum. This museum was the dream of two retired educators: Mr. Howard J. Austin an Mrs. Eula J. Davis ... Leer más

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