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PROSPECT, Connecticut

HISTORICAL: To Remember those who served in WWII, especially those who fought and died in the Battle of Iwo Jima. EDUCATIONAL: To Continue the Iwo Jima Survivors History Program, educating on the Battle of Iwo Jima and its importance. VETERANS/MILITARY: To Honor and Remember All who served and continue to serve

Donations pay for our Eternal Flame and maintenance of the memorial. We are an All-Volunteer non-profit organization in charge of preserving and maintaining the National Iwo Jima Memorial located at 1 Iwo Jima Way, New Britain CT.
This is the ONLY memorial of its kind in the world that was built by Survivors of the Battle of Iwo Jima and contains rocks from Mt. Suribachi and sand from the beaches.
We have ceremonies and events throughout the year to honor and remember our military and veterans. Our memorial is free and open to the public.

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