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Manassas, Virginia

We help veterans find their way to mental wellness, enabling them to experience a life of empowerment and peace. We provide fishing charters to veterans, leveraging blue space to break barriers and stigma associated with seeking mental wellness counseling - then we provide counseling on request. We see a future where mental wellness counseling is an essential, accessible tool to help warriors cope with past experiences; creating mentally resilient veterans fully participating in their lives.

Stigma associated with seeking mental health counseling continues to plague our veterans, as suicide rate remains high. 200,000 military personnel transition out each year, with 44% of those transitioning stating they are not ready; many due to mental health reasons. The ability to calm, cope with, and conquer depression, suicidal ideations, and drug and alcohol addiction still seems to elude many of our veterans.

Each of our trips takes 6 veterans on a fishing charter in the ... Read More

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