USASOA programs and services must be comprised have 3 individual and expanded upon components
1) In a concise mission statement and through a strategic educational process, raise awareness among the American people to the need for which the program or service is being initiated in confronting a challenge or issue facing the veteran or military communities. The strategic process includes engaging and garnering the support of the American people (and volunteers) for the program or ... Read More
USASOA programs and services must be comprised have 3 individual and expanded upon components
1) In a concise mission statement and through a strategic educational process, raise awareness among the American people to the need for which the program or service is being initiated in confronting a challenge or issue facing the veteran or military communities. The strategic process includes engaging and garnering the support of the American people (and volunteers) for the program or service.
2) In a concise and augmented manner, explain the process, method, and standard operating procedure through which the program or service will successfully impact the need for which it is designed to effectively accomplish its stated mission.
3) Raising funding for the program or service through various social media platforms, online ads, email newsletters, direct mailing campaigns and fundraising campaigns to raise restricted donations that will satisfy the proposed budget for the program or service being initiated.
*Evaluations: On a monthly basis, USASOA staff and volunteers meeting to discuss all USASOA programs and service to determine and measure the success rate as it applies to the individual mission of the program or service currently provided by USASOA. USASOA programs and services are put through a rigorous evaluation process to ensure that the stated purpose for the program or service is being successful met. The evaluation process also ensures that USASOA programs and services remain relevant to the sometimes, changing needs, challenges and issues that face our veteran and military communities.
USASOA WOUNDED DEFENDERS OF FREEDOM FUND:100% of every dollar raised provides the essentials of life: food, shelter, heat, utilities, toiletries and more to our combat wounded veterans and their families in need. When contacted for assistance our rapid response system goes to work immediately to directly support and remedy what is often a very serious financial burden facing a combat wounded veteran and his or her family. Proudly, USASOA has thwarted evictions, stopped turn off notices on heat and water, supplied and reconnected utilities, and provided immediate gift certificates for food. USASOA staff stays with the veteran to evaluate and remedy the cause that led to their unfortunate financial problem so that it never happens again. USASOA maintains an online Amazon Store for the combat wounded who are shut-in or hospitalized. Upon qualifying the veteran or his/her family, we provide them with a special code and the link to the USASOA Amazon Store – at that point they are able to shop online for food, toiletries, family items and other basic necessities to ensure that they live a healthy, safe and dignified life. USASOA proudly maintains a 5 Star Rating from Greater Nonprofits.
The USASOA Homeless Veterans Outreach Program is a multi-faceted, grassroots campaign with a monthly goal to affect the lives of homeless and at-risk veterans by providing them with the basic, essentials of life: toiletries, food and clothing so that they may live a healthy and dignified life – a life that they have earned and deserve. The overall program is supported by the USASOA Boots On the Ground Collection Campaign and the USASOA Cents For Soldiers fundraising campaign designed to directly impact the quality of life for those veteran in dire need. Every month USASOA volunteers roll up their sleeves and go to work within the two programs (above) to gather much needed items and resources. At the end of each month, all items are then delivered to the Department of Veterans Affairs Homeless Shelter and Resource Center in Northeast Washington, DC for direct disbursement to our homeless and at-risk veterans. The unique aspect about delivering the collected items and resources to the DC base VA Homeless Shelter is that they will share their resources with the surrounding VA homeless veteran supports systems in Maryland and Virginia – a win/win for all! During the Holiday ‘Giving-Season’ USASOA volunteers initiate our annual Winter Survival Kits For Our Homeless Veterans. Program. USASOA volunteers use weather-proof back packs and fill them with nonperishable food, warm clothing and toiletries which are then handed out to homeless and at-risk veterans at the Christmas dinner held at the VA Homeless Shelter. However, USASOA proudly and directly supports our homeless veterans throughout the year and not just at the Holiday season. Combat and service-related wounds are both visible and invisible. The relationship between veteran homelessness and the scars of war and service are quite unique and diverse. USASOA will never makes judgement about the reason why a veteran may have become homeless. Rather, we offer the strategy, support, and direct assistance needed to secure the physical and mental care they require. Many veterans we encounter have been given 'bad paper' discharges related to incidents related to PTSD and even sexual trauma and as a result, they are disqualified from VA services which could treat the very issues that caused their discharge from the military. The number of female veterans enduring homelessness is now reaching a higher percentage rate than any other group in the overall homeless population in America. There are many reasons, issues, and challenges linked to veteran homelessness and this program is to provide an improved life for our marginalized and forgotten veterans.
USASOA BOOTS ON THE GROUND - is a ‘monthly ‘grassroots campaign to collect non-perishable food, toiletries, clothing and other essentials to distribute to our homeless and at-risk veterans. Collected items are also distributed to our ill, injured and wounded service members recovery at Walter Reed Military Hospital. The Boots On The Ground campaign is utilized in several ways.
1) A neighborhood by neighborhood collection drive. After targeting a neighbor or area, USASOA volunteers go door to door to distribute flyers. On one side of the flyer, it states who we are as nonprofit veteran service organization and the flip side of the flyer contains a list of the items needed. A paper door hanger of the American flag is attached to the flyer. The residents are asked to place the door hanger on their exterior door on the following Saturday morning between 10 am and 12 noon. At that point, USASOA volunteers will know to knock on the door to retrieve their donated items that will support our wounded and homeless veterans.
2) Boots On The Ground Collection Drives can be hosted in any office, school, organization, place of worship or business. USASOA will provide all posters, paperwork, flyers and social media information to help make the campaign a success. Anyone can use the Boots On The Ground campaign to ask friends and families to donate items instead of giving them a birthday gift. Bars and restaurant can offer a free drink or discounted menu to patrons who donate items from the list.
3) Another variant for holding a Boots On The Ground Collection Drive involves USASOA setting up a table outside of the entrance to grocery store and as customers enter the store to do their shopping they handed a flyer with a list of the items being collected. They are asked to, if possible, please purchase one or several of the items on the list and simply drop them off to our table as they leave the store.
USASOA OPERATION REBOOT – PEER TO PEER Support Group for all military and veterans of every age and period of service. The core objective of USASOA OP-REBOOT is to bring together and facilitate support and encouragement among service members and veterans who share common yet varied experiences while utilizing life-affirming, therapeutic and recreational activities. Each event is complete with wonderful food and beverages and music in a relaxing atmosphere. By building trust and fellowship we seek to establish and maintain a sense of mutual support so as to combat and displace barriers that prevent us from engaging and living a healthy, positive life. Being there for each other on common ground makes a real and lasting difference. We are also proud to have partnered with Give An Hour - a nonprofit organization of mental health care professionals and psychologists who donate their time and professional services free of charge and who attend our events to provide assistance and additional support to any veteran or service member in our group. Operation Reboot events foster a renewed sense of commardiere, brotherhood, sisterhood, and belonging paramount to the importance of being able to express the personal experiences as a service member and as a veteran. THERE IS NEVER A CHARGE OR A FEE FOR ANY VETERAN OR SERVICE MEMBERS TO ATTEND ANY USASOA PROGRAM OR EVENT.
USASOA AMBASSADORS LEAGUE: this USASOA program is to provide for the care and comfort of our ill, injured and wounded veterans, their families recovering at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. USASOA Ambassador's League volunteers make regularly scheduled goodwill visits to our military hospitals and bring with them care packages consisting of healthy sacks, gift cards, books, toiletries and more. Many of the items that make up the care packages. Once a month, USASOA hold and orientation and training session in our office for new volunteers who wish to join this program. The class is taught by mental and physical health professionals who provide their services to USASOA pro bono.
USASOA ADVOCACY PROGRAM: USASOA is proud to continue our successful work on promoting policy and legislation that provides for the overall mental and physical health and well-being our ill, injured, and wounded veterans as well as for the veteran community at large. We firmly believe that our veterans are our greatest national treasures and we work to ensure that they are treated as such. USASOA supports meaningful and effective legislation and policy agenda that directly impacts the quality of life for our veteran and military communities.
Additional USASOA Programs include: OPERATION CARE PACKAGES FOR OUR DEPLOYED TROOPS and BBQ FOR OUR HEROES at Walter Reed Military Hospital. Visit
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