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Greek Borders


HELP the Greek boarders
Following the announcement by the Municipality ofAlexandroupolisand the Union ofVeteranArmyOfficersofAlexandroupolison the needs ofthemen and security forces in theEvrosregion, the International Hellenic Association – IHAhas takenthe initiative to raise funds so thatGreekscanparticipateincoveringthe cost ofnecessary equipmentas their personal finances allow.
Thisaction is global as many IHA members areexpatriates.As we realizethat times are difficult for our country, we callonGreeks andHellenophileseverywhere toaworldwide clarion call to action.
Our focus is in the following itemsof greatest needincluding:
* Infrared cameras
* Communicationdevice
* Walkie-Talkies (handheld transceivers)

Capt. Evangelos Rigos
President of IHA
for the Board of Directors rectors

Matching Offer
How Donations Work
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