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Forgotten Children's Fund

Seattle, Washington

The Forgotten Children's Fund (FCF) is a Seattle, WA based 501(c)3 charity to help families have Christmas who otherwise could not afford it. FCF is an all volunteer organization that works to give underprivileged children and their families a truly Merry Christmas. With the support of our Seattle community we are able to purchase, wrap, and have Santa and his Elves deliver gifts every year.

Founded in 1976, The Forgotten Children's Fund volunteers work together to purchase, wrap and deliver gifts to needy children and their families. The gifts are delivered by volunteer Santas and Elves on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

The Forgotten Children's Fund includes the M-Bar-C Ranch which offers a Day of Western Fun for qualifying groups of special needs or children & adults in special circumstances. Both the FCF and M-Bar-C Ranch are 100% volunteer run and rely on ... Mehr lesen

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