Warriors Choice Foundation is asking for help in providing two combat veterans from the Elite Marine Raider community.
These two special operators will be flown in to spend seven days on a retreat where they will be provided access to a Full body scan MRI, custom blood work to identify any precancerous cursers, metabolic, and nutrient deficiencies, heavy metals, lymes, genetic testing to identify medications that would be positive or contraindicated based on their body, and hormone panel. They will also be provided access to EBOO+Ozone, HBOT, deprivation float, Salt room, dental cleaning + X-ray, facial, acupuncture, chiropractors, access to mental health counselor, and individually tailored diet from a nutritionist/dietitian.
Lastly, these beneficiaries will be taking home a tailored service dog specific to their needs addressing injuries sustained during combat operations from years of honorable service to our nation.