Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the signature wound of post 9/11 Veterans yet little is being done to actually treat the injury. Functional neurology is an effective way to treat this injury. We provide a 2 week intensive brain treatment protocol for post 9/11 Veterans. All modalities are FDA approved. We also look at the chemistry (blood work) of each Veteran and their dietary habits as well. Day 1 diagnostics are done and again on day 9. The results we are seeing are very good for every Veteran we have put through the program.
The approach is a holistic way to heal their body. We use rTMS to upregulate the frontal lobe, which also helps with depression, anxiety and stress. Veterans report feeling improvements within 48 hours. We do vestibular work, cognitive processing, virtual reality, interactive metronome, and balance improvement.
Supplements and hormone replacement is offered if dictated by the blood work. Functional movement is also a part of the program, helping Veterans to be able to work out and move properly within their injuries or limitations.
We provide transportation and lodging in addition to the treatment for the brain injury.
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