Operation: Job Ready Veterans™ was founded in 2007 by a small group concerned about the growing plight of veterans as they attempted to transition to the civilian workplace. The organization began as the Crane Learning and Employment Center for Veterans with Disabilities – with a focus on helping veterans find employment at Naval Surface Warfare Center – Crane, located in Southwest Indiana.
As the business grew to serve veterans in Central Indiana, the group changed its name to the ... Read More
Operation: Job Ready Veterans™ was founded in 2007 by a small group concerned about the growing plight of veterans as they attempted to transition to the civilian workplace. The organization began as the Crane Learning and Employment Center for Veterans with Disabilities – with a focus on helping veterans find employment at Naval Surface Warfare Center – Crane, located in Southwest Indiana.
As the business grew to serve veterans in Central Indiana, the group changed its name to the Career Learning and Employment Center for Veterans with Disabilities (CLEC). CLEC is a 501(c)3 organization. In 2012, the company decided to open its program to all veterans and modified its name to the Career Learning and Employment Center for Veterans. However, serving veterans with disabilities remains a priority. In 2013, CLEC also adopted a d/b/a: OPERATION: Job Ready Veterans.
OJRV serves any era service member, veteran, military spouse or caregiver. Our staff of experienced workforce development professionals, many of whom are veterans, has developed an effective approach to assisting veterans who are seeking employment and career opportunities in the civilian workforce. We take a hands-on approach with our clients, from individual coaching sessions to small group workshops and training sessions. For job seekers who complete V.E.T.S. and are JobReady™, we provide support and assistance to remove barriers to employment including customized resume preparation, introductions to employers, and one-on-one case management.
OJRV also provides services for employers, including introductions to qualified veteran job candidates, retention support, and human resource management training.
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