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Hamden, Connecticut

The mission of House of Heroes Connecticut (HOHCT) is to recognize, honor and serve Connecticut military and public safety veterans and/or their spouses who have served our country faithfully and sacrificially. We do this by providing one day, no-cost home repairs through partnerships with and the generosity of individuals, civic organizations and corporations. We are committed to growing the organization and advancing the mission to the ever-increasing numbers of veterans both in Connecticut and nationwide. Our motto of "Make a Difference in a Day" has helped to complete 155 Veteran projects in the past 9 years keeping our military safely in their own homes in over 43 towns in Connecticut. Always serving those who have served and given the most!

House of Heroes works with volunteers to perform one-day home repairs and make home improvements to a veteran and or/public safety veteran home at no cost to the veteran. HOHCT deals with safety, accessibility and sustainability. To qualify a veteran must 1) own and occupy the home to be repaired 2) have a physical or financial need 3) be honorably discharged from the military (DD214) or public service veteran or surviving spouse. Countless repairs have been made but are not limited to installation and maintenance of decks and ramps, installation of windows and doors, minor plumbing and electrical repairs, accessibility and access repairs, yard maintenance and improvements.

How Donations Work
Click any 'Donate Now' button and then decide your donation amount. You will then be forwarded to your payment processor of choice. Once your donation has been processed it will be sent to your charity of choice.

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